Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Green Craft foam; 5 1/2" x 4 1/2"
Hole punch
Thin ribbon, elastic thread or yarn
White Glue
Yellow & brown craft foam; small piece of each
Metallic confetti stars or sequins
1) Trace and cut out one tree shape from green craft foam and one pot shape from brown craft foam. Glue the brown craft foam to the bottom of the tree shape.
2) Punch a hole at the top of the tree with a hole punch. A 3/16" hole punch works best.
3) To attach a hanger, cut a 6" piece of yarn, elastic thread or thin ribbon. Fold it in half and put the folded end through the hole you punched. Then, put the two loose ends through the loop and gently pull the ends. Tie the two loose ends together in an overhand knot.
4) Cut a star from yellow craft foam and glue it to the top of the tree. It is ok to glue it on top of the hole you punched
5) Apply a line of glue in a back and forth pattern on the front side of the tree. Cover the glue with glitter. See our hints & tips page for hints on working with glitter. If you have glitter glue, you could use it instead of separate glue and glitter.
6) Glue on star confetti and/or sequins. When doing this, it is easiest to put dots of white glue on the tree then place the confetti or sequins on top of the dots of glue. This is much easier than trying to put the glue directly on the confetti.

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